JD Edwards Enterprise One table definition reference


Implementation Guides | 920 VMs | Schema:
920 910 812
System  Table 

JDE Ref icon of database logic symbolJDE TABLESv3Made in Britain

SAPTables.Net - the webs number one SAP Tables Definition reference

920: Top 10 requests

1F4211SDSales Order Detail File
2F0101ABAddress Book Master
3F4101IMItem Master
4F0911GLAccount Ledger
5F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
6F4102IBItem Branch File
7F9671SDSoftware Update Detail Table
8F0411RPAccounts Payable Ledger
9F0006MCBusiness Unit Master
10F41021LIItem Location File

910: Top 10 requests

1F0011WICF0011W - WF - Batch To Detail
2F76AUI46WFCERG A/R -Work File - ARG - 03B - 76A
3F4211SDSales Order Detail File
4F4101IMItem Master
5F0101ABAddress Book Master
6F0911GLAccount Ledger
7F4102IBItem Branch File
8F03B11RPCustomer Ledger
9F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
10F4111ILItem Ledger File

812: Top 10 requests

1F0911GLAccount Ledger
2F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
3F0101ABAddress Book Master
4F0411RPAccounts Payable Ledger
5F0006MCBusiness Unit Master
6F4211SDSales Order Detail File
7F42119SDSales Order History File
8F03012AICustomer Master by Line of Business
9F0902GBAccount Balances
10F4801WAWork Order Master File

194 COLUMNS | 1 INDEXES | Print definition?920 | 05T | F051123 TABLE

05T: Time Entry
1920F051123Y31941Self Service Time Entry Layout Setup FileFiles05T: Time EntryBusiness Data
SQL:  selectupdate insert create

Use the column checkboxes to build your query. Header columns sets/unsets all columns. For Create statements, use Allow Null checkboxes and default values inputs to tailor query as required.

SELECT Y3HMCO, Y3HMCU, Y3ESZ000, Y3ESZ174, Y3ESZ173, Y3ESZ001, Y3ESZ002, Y3ESZ003, Y3ESZ004, Y3ESZ005, Y3ESZ006, Y3ESZ007, Y3ESZ008, Y3ESZ009, Y3ESZ010, Y3ESZ011, Y3ESZ012, Y3ESZ013, Y3ESZ014, Y3ESZ015, Y3ESZ016, Y3ESZ017, Y3ESZ018, Y3ESZ019, Y3ESZ020, Y3ESZ021, Y3ESZ022, Y3ESZ023, Y3ESZ024, Y3ESZ025, Y3ESZ026, Y3ESZ027, Y3ESZ028, Y3ESZ029, Y3ESZ030, Y3ESZ031, Y3ESZ032, Y3ESZ033, Y3ESZ034, Y3ESZ035, Y3ESZ036, Y3ESZ037, Y3ESZ038, Y3ESZ039, Y3ESZ040, Y3ESZ041, Y3ESZ042, Y3ESZ043, Y3ESZ044, Y3ESZ045, Y3ESZ046, Y3ESZ047, Y3ESZ048, Y3ESZ049, Y3ESZ050, Y3ESZ051, Y3ESZ052, Y3ESZ053, Y3ESZ054, Y3ESZ055, Y3ESZ056, Y3ESZ057, Y3ESZ058, Y3ESZ059, Y3ESZ060, Y3ESZ061, Y3ESZ062, Y3ESZ063, Y3ESZ064, Y3ESZ065, Y3ESZ066, Y3ESZ067, Y3ESZ068, Y3ESZ069, Y3ESZ070, Y3ESZ071, Y3ESZ072, Y3ESZ073, Y3ESZ074, Y3ESZ075, Y3ESZ076, Y3ESZ077, Y3ESZ078, Y3ESZ079, Y3ESZ080, Y3ESZ081, Y3ESZ082, Y3ESZ083, Y3ESZ084, Y3ESZ085, Y3ESZ086, Y3ESZ087, Y3ESZ088, Y3ESZ089, Y3ESZ175, Y3ESZ090, Y3ESZ091, Y3ESZ092, Y3ESZ093, Y3ESZ096, Y3ESZ097, Y3ESZ098, Y3ESZ099, Y3ESZ100, Y3ESZ101, Y3ESZ102, Y3ESZ103, Y3ESZ104, Y3ESZ105, Y3ESZ106, Y3ESZ107, Y3ESZ108, Y3ESZ109, Y3ESZ110, Y3ESZ111, Y3ESZ112, Y3ESZ113, Y3ESZ114, Y3ESZ115, Y3ESZ116, Y3ESZ117, Y3ESZ118, Y3ESZ119, Y3ESZ120, Y3ESZ121, Y3ESZ122, Y3ESZ123, Y3ESZ124, Y3ESZ125, Y3ESZ126, Y3ESZ127, Y3ESZ128, Y3ESZ129, Y3ESZ130, Y3ESZ131, Y3ESZ132, Y3ESZ133, Y3ESZ134, Y3ESZ135, Y3ESZ136, Y3ESZ137, Y3ESZ138, Y3ESZ139, Y3ESZ140, Y3ESZ141, Y3ESZ142, Y3ESZ143, Y3ESZ144, Y3ESZ145, Y3ESZ146, Y3ESZ147, Y3ESZ148, Y3ESZ149, Y3ESZ150, Y3ESZ151, Y3ESZ152, Y3ESZ155, Y3ESZ153, Y3ESZ156, Y3ESZ154, Y3ESZ157, Y3ESZ158, Y3ESZ159, Y3ESZ160, Y3ESZ161, Y3ESZ162, Y3ESZ163, Y3ESZ164, Y3ESZ165, Y3ESZ166, Y3ESZ167, Y3ESZ168, Y3ESZ169, Y3ESZ170, Y3ESZ171, Y3ESZ095, Y3ESZ177, Y3ESZ094, Y3ESZ176, Y3ESZ172, Y3PID, Y3UPMJ, Y3JOBN, Y3UPMT, Y3ESZ178, Y3ESZ179, Y3ESZ180, Y3ESZ181, Y3ESZ182, Y3ESZ183, Y3ESZ184, Y3ESZ185, Y3ESZ186, Y3ESZ187 FROM F051123

TOP920 | 05T | F051123 COLUMNS

ColumnFieldDescriptionData TypeEdit TypeLengthDecimalsSQL Create Statement
1Y3HMCOCompany - HomeStringGeneric Edit50 Allow NULL? 
2Y3HMCUBusiness Unit - HomeStringGeneric Edit120 Allow NULL? 
3Y3ESZ000Address Number FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
4Y3ESZ174Employee Tax ID FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
5Y3ESZ173Additional Employee No FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
6Y3ESZ001Alpha Name FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
7Y3ESZ002Transaction Number FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
8Y3ESZ003Record Type FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
9Y3ESZ004Check Control Number FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
10Y3ESZ005Account Mode-GL FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
11Y3ESZ006Company FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
12Y3ESZ007Company Home FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
13Y3ESZ008Business Unit Home FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
14Y3ESZ009Business Unit FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
15Y3ESZ010Object Account FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
16Y3ESZ011Subsidiary FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
17Y3ESZ012Company Recharge FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
18Y3ESZ013Business Unit Recharge FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
19Y3ESZ014Object Account Recharge FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
20Y3ESZ015Subsidiary Recharge FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
21Y3ESZ016Subledger - G/L FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
22Y3ESZ017Subledger Type FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
23Y3ESZ018Categories - Work Order 01FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
24Y3ESZ019Business Unit - Chargeout FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
25Y3ESZ020Routing Code - Check FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
26Y3ESZ021Hours Worked FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
27Y3ESZ022Sequence Number - Operations FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
28Y3ESZ023Labor Type - Routing Instructions FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
29Y3ESZ024Item Number - Short FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
30Y3ESZ025Units - Pieces FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
31Y3ESZ026Unit of Measure FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
32Y3ESZ027Rate - Hourly FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
33Y3ESZ028Rate - Piecework FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
34Y3ESZ029Rate - Base Hourly FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
35Y3ESZ030Rate Distribution (orBilling) FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
36Y3ESZ031Rate - Recharge Burden FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
37Y3ESZ032Rate Hourly Extended Work FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
38Y3ESZ033Shift Code FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
39Y3ESZ034Amount - Shift Differential FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
40Y3ESZ035Multiplier - Pay Type Multiplier FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
41Y3ESZ036Percent or Amount FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
42Y3ESZ037Amount - Gross Pay FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
43Y3ESZ038Amount - Distributed Gross Pay FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
44Y3ESZ039Recharge Amount FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
45Y3ESZ040Amount - Sales Generated FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
46Y3ESZ041Union Code FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
47Y3ESZ042Job Type (Craft) Code FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
48Y3ESZ043Job Step FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
49Y3ESZ044Work State FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
50Y3ESZ045Work County FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
51Y3ESZ046Work City FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
52Y3ESZ047Worker's Comp. Insurance Code FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
53Y3ESZ048Sub Class - Workers Comp FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
54Y3ESZ049General Liability Premium AmountCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
55Y3ESZ050Workers Comp Premium AmountCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
56Y3ESZ051Workers Comp Premium Base FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
57Y3ESZ052General Liability Premium Base FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
58Y3ESZ053Workers Comp Overtime Amount FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
59Y3ESZ054General Liability Overtime Amount FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
60Y3ESZ055Workers Comp Excludable Amount FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
61Y3ESZ056General Liability Excludable Amount FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
62Y3ESZ057Workers Compensation Benefit Amount FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
63Y3ESZ058Month - Update of History FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
64Y3ESZ059DBA Code FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
65Y3ESZ060Source of Pay FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
66Y3ESZ061Method of Calculation FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
67Y3ESZ062Pay Class (H/S/P) FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
68Y3ESZ063Effect on GL FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
69Y3ESZ064Pay Frequency FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
70Y3ESZ065Fiscal Year FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
71Y3ESZ066Date - For G/L (and Voucher) FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
72Y3ESZ067Period Number - General Ledger FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
73Y3ESZ068Date - Worked FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
74Y3ESZ069Day of the Week FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
75Y3ESZ070Date - Pay Period Ending FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
76Y3ESZ071Pay Period of the Month FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
77Y3ESZ072Date Time Clock Start Date and Time FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
78Y3ESZ073Date Time Clock End FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
79Y3ESZ074Company - Equipment FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
80Y3ESZ075Equipment Worked On FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
81Y3ESZ076Equipment Worked FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
82Y3ESZ077Equipment Object Account FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
83Y3ESZ078Equipment Rate Code FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
84Y3ESZ079Billing Rate - Equipment FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
85Y3ESZ080Amount _ Equipment Gross FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
86Y3ESZ081Hours - Equipment FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
87Y3ESZ082Name - Remark Explanation FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
88Y3ESZ083Category Codes - Payroll1 FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
89Y3ESZ084Category Codes - Payroll2 FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
90Y3ESZ085Category Codes - Payroll3 FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
91Y3ESZ086Category Codes - Payroll4 FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
92Y3ESZ087User ID FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
93Y3ESZ088Check Comment (Y/N) FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
94Y3ESZ089Date - Pay Check FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
95Y3ESZ175Amount Uprate FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
96Y3ESZ090Processed Code FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
97Y3ESZ091Batch NumberCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
98Y3ESZ092General Ledger Batch Number FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
99Y3ESZ093Date - Batch (Julian) FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
100Y3ESZ096Account Number - Input FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
101Y3ESZ097Century FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
102Y3ESZ098Address Number-Provider/Trustee FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
103Y3ESZ099Deduct/Benefit Override Code FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
104Y3ESZ100Effect on Gross Pay FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
105Y3ESZ101Effect on Net Pay FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
106Y3ESZ102Void Flag (Y/N) FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
107Y3ESZ103Work Schedule Code FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
108Y3ESZ104Method of Printing FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
109Y3ESZ105Interim Check Code FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
110Y3ESZ106Interim Check Status FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
111Y3ESZ107Shift Diff Calc Sequence FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
112Y3ESZ108Available DBA FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
113Y3ESZ109Type - Sales FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
114Y3ESZ110Security Indicator FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
115Y3ESZ111Overtime Code FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
116Y3ESZ112Deduction Period 1 FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
117Y3ESZ113Deduction Period 2 FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
118Y3ESZ114Deduction Period 3 FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
119Y3ESZ115Deduction Period 4 FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
120Y3ESZ116Deduction Period 5 FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
121Y3ESZ117Deduction Period 6 FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
122Y3ESZ118Non-Taxable Authority Types 01 FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
123Y3ESZ119Non-Taxable Authority Types 02 FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
124Y3ESZ120Non-Taxable Authority Types 03 FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
125Y3ESZ121Non-Taxable Authority Types 04 FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
126Y3ESZ122Non-Taxable Authority Types 05 FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
127Y3ESZ123Non-Taxable Authority Types 06 FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
128Y3ESZ124Non-Taxable Authority Types 07 FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
129Y3ESZ125Non-Taxable Authority Types 08 FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
130Y3ESZ126Non-Taxable Authority Types 09 FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
131Y3ESZ127Non-Taxable Authority Types 10 FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
132Y3ESZ128Non-Taxable Authority Types 11 FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
133Y3ESZ129Non-Taxable Authority Types 12 FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
134Y3ESZ130Non-Taxable Authority Types 13 FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
135Y3ESZ131Non-Taxable Authority Types 14 FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
136Y3ESZ132Non-Taxable Authority Types 15 FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
137Y3ESZ133Payroll Lockout Identification FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
138Y3ESZ134Amount - Entered Gross Pay FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
139Y3ESZ135Benefit Factor FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
140Y3ESZ136Rate - Workers Comp Insurance FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
141Y3ESZ137Rate - Workers Comp Gen Liability FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
142Y3ESZ138Advance On Pay FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
143Y3ESZ139Status - Tip Hist Update FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
144Y3ESZ140Name Alpha FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
145Y3ESZ141Auto Pay Methods FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
146Y3ESZ142Tax Calc Method FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
147Y3ESZ143Table Code FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
148Y3ESZ144 Date - Time Stamp FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
149Y3ESZ145Status- Payroll 01 FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
150Y3ESZ146Spending Account Claim Number FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
151Y3ESZ147G/L Posting Code - Alternate 0 FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
152Y3ESZ148Position ID FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
153Y3ESZ149Activity Based Costing Code FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
154Y3ESZ150Managerial Analysis Code 1 FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
155Y3ESZ151Managerial Analysis Type 1 FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
156Y3ESZ152Managerial Analysis Code 2 FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
157Y3ESZ155Managerial Analysis Type 2 FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
158Y3ESZ153Managerial Analysis Code 3 FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
159Y3ESZ156Managerial Analysis Type 3 FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
160Y3ESZ154Managerial Analysis Code 4 FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
161Y3ESZ157Managerial Analysis Type 4 FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
162Y3ESZ158Billing Rate FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
163Y3ESZ159Rate - Recharge Amount FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
164Y3ESZ160Rate - Billing Foreign FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
165Y3ESZ161Rate - Recharge Amount Foreign FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
166Y3ESZ162Currency Conversion Rate - FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
167Y3ESZ163Currency Code - From FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
168Y3ESZ164Currency Code - To FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
169Y3ESZ165Recharge Mode FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
170Y3ESZ166Leave Type FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
171Y3ESZ167Leave Request Number FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
172Y3ESZ168Time Entry Lockout FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
173Y3ESZ169Accounts Payable Processed FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
174Y3ESZ170Code Overtime Rule FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
175Y3ESZ171Task Unique Key FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
176Y3ESZ095Program ID FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
177Y3ESZ177Tax Area FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
178Y3ESZ094Date Updated FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
179Y3ESZ176Program FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
180Y3ESZ172Time Last Updated FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
181Y3PIDProgram IDStringGeneric Edit100 Allow NULL? 
182Y3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
183Y3JOBNWork Station IDStringGeneric Edit100 Allow NULL? 
184Y3UPMTTime - Last UpdatedNumericGeneric Edit60 Allow NULL? 
185Y3ESZ178Timecard From FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
186Y3ESZ179Timecard Thru FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
187Y3ESZ180Leave Comments FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
188Y3ESZ181Hours Per Day FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
189Y3ESZ182Pay In Advance FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
190Y3ESZ183Contract Labor Category FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
191Y3ESZ184Change Reason FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
192Y3ESZ185Change Comments FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
193Y3ESZ186Business Unit Description FlagCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
194Y3ESZ187State Where WorkedCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 

TOP920 | 05T | F051123 INDEXES

1HMCO HMCU (Primary/Unique)
1HMCOCompany - HomeAscending
2HMCUBusiness Unit - HomeAscending