JD Edwards Enterprise One table definition reference


Implementation Guides | 920 VMs | Schema:
920 910 812
System  Table 

JDE Ref icon of database logic symbolJDE TABLESv3Made in Britain

SAPTables.Net - the webs number one SAP Tables Definition reference

920: Top 10 requests

1F4211SDSales Order Detail File
2F0101ABAddress Book Master
3F4101IMItem Master
4F0911GLAccount Ledger
5F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
6F4102IBItem Branch File
7F9671SDSoftware Update Detail Table
8F0411RPAccounts Payable Ledger
9F0006MCBusiness Unit Master
10F41021LIItem Location File

910: Top 10 requests

1F0011WICF0011W - WF - Batch To Detail
2F76AUI46WFCERG A/R -Work File - ARG - 03B - 76A
3F4211SDSales Order Detail File
4F4101IMItem Master
5F0101ABAddress Book Master
6F0911GLAccount Ledger
7F4102IBItem Branch File
8F03B11RPCustomer Ledger
9F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
10F4111ILItem Ledger File

812: Top 10 requests

1F0911GLAccount Ledger
2F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
3F0101ABAddress Book Master
4F0411RPAccounts Payable Ledger
5F0006MCBusiness Unit Master
6F4211SDSales Order Detail File
7F42119SDSales Order History File
8F03012AICustomer Master by Line of Business
9F0902GBAccount Balances
10F4801WAWork Order Master File

51 columns | Print definition?920 | UOM4 | STOCK UDC

TableTable DescriptionColumn#PrefixAliasColumn DescriptionData TypeEdit TypeLengthDecimals
TOP17: Customer Service Management
1F1721Contract Detail63CDUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
TOP34X: In-Memory Planning Advisor
2F34X110WItem List Work Table19ILUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
TOP40: Inventory/OP Base
3F4011ZBatch Receiver File - Order Details158SZUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
4F4012ZWWF - Destination Quantity34SPUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
5F4013ZKit Components Batch File15KSUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
6F40302Preference Profile - Unit of Measure12PUUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
7F40302RPreference Resolution Ledger - Pricing Unit Of Measure14PUUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
8F40347Preference Profile - Pricing UOM (Branch)14RIUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
9F40347RPreference Resolution Ledger - Pricing UOM (Branch)16RIUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
10F4211Z1Sales Order Detail Unedited Transaction File145SZUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
TOP40G: Grower Management
11F40G02Grower Block63GBUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
12F40G0200Grower Block Update Profile144BUUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
13F40G03Grower Harvest73GHUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
TOP41: Inventory Management
14F4101Item Master46IMUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
15F4101AItem File27IMUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
16F4101Z1F4101 Item Master Unedited Transaction Table61SZUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
TOP41F: Apparel Management
17FCW09Item Revisions Work File38WRUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
TOP42: Sales Management
18F4211Sales Order Detail File132SDUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
19F42119Sales Order History File132SDUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
20F42199S.O. Detail Ledger File132SLUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
21F42565Invoice Print File22IWUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
22F42UI11SO Detail Cache File (MBF)92ZDUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
23F42UI521Pick Slips Detail File103S9UOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
TOP42B: Sales Order Entry
24F42420Audit Log Transaction29ALUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
TOP42X: In-Memory Sales Advisor
25F42X010WLine Advisor Work File7USUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
26F42X040WOrder Upsell Item Group Totals Work File23GRUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
27F42X050WOrder Level Upsell Candidate Items11CIUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
TOP47: Electronic Commerce
28F47012EDI Purchase Order Detail - Inbound159SZUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
29F47027EDI P.O. Acknowledgment Detail - Outbound159SZUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
30F47037EDI Shipping Notice Detail - Outbound141SZUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
31F470371EDI Shipping Notice Detail - Outbound162SZUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
32F47047EDI Invoice Detail (Sales) - Outbound159SZUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
33F47082EDI Price Sales Catalog Detail - Inbound62FYUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
34F47092EDI Request for Quote Detail - Inbound159SZUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
35F47107EDI Response to RFQ Detail - Outbound159SZUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
36F47132EDI Purchase Order Change Detail - Inbound160SZUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
37F47147EDI P.O. Change Acknowledgment Detail - Outbound161SZUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
TOP74: EMEA Localization
38F7420033Sales Document Line (Print Info) - COMM - 4215PIUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
39F7420034Price Adjustment (Print Info) - COMM - 4210PIUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
TOP75C: China
40F75C4106Chinese Free Goods VAT base price - F75C4106 - 412IBUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
TOP75I: India
41F75I3901Work With Consignment - IND -4334COUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
42F75I4223Sales Tax Summary/Detail15SDUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
TOP75T: Taiwan
43F75T42WWork file with union of F4211 and F4211936SWUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
TOP76A: Argentina
44F76A0219Detail Lines Invoice/ShipmentNote History WF - ARG - - 76A18DLUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
45F76A021PDetail Lines Inv./ShipmentNote History WF Purge - ARG - 76A18DLUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
46F76AUI21Detail Lines Invoice/ShipmentNote Workfile - ARG - 03 - 76A18DLUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
TOP76B: Brazil
47F7611BNota Fiscal Detail - BRA - 4236FDUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
TOP76H: Chile
48F76H3B34Sales Document Line (Print Info) - CHI - 03B - 76H13PIUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
49F76H3B35Price Adjustment (Print Info) - CHI - 03B - 76H10PIUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
50F76H3B38Shipment Guide Line (Print Info) - CHI - 03B - 76H12PIUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20
TOPF30L: DFM Line Design
51FF30L501DFM Item Definition Master96IBUOM4Unit of Measure - PricingStringUDC20

User Defined Codes are, by design, customisable and thus will differ from system to system depending on the business requirements.

TOPUDC 00 / UM (Unit of Measure) stock values

ValueDescriptionSpecial Handling CodeHard Coded
1 . Y
2        %Percent N
3        12Twelve Pack N
4        ACAcre N
5        ASAnnual Salary(rounded)xmult. N
6        ATAnnual Salary(truncated)xmult. N
7        BABar Absolute (Pressure) N
8        BCBag N
9        BGBar Gauge (Pressure) N
10        BKBucket N
11        BLBarrels N
12        BTBottles N
13        BUBushel N
14        BXBox N
15        CACase N
16        CCCubic CentimeterVN
17        CFHundred Feet N
18        CICubic InchesVN
19        CLCentilitersVN
20        CMCentimeters N
21        CNCan N
22        COContainer N
23        CRCarton N
24        CSHundred Square Feet N
25        CTCarat Y
26        CUCubic Meter Y
27        CWHundredweightWN
28        CYCubic YardVN
29        DCDecimeters N
30        DLDeciliter N
31        DRdrums N
32        DWPenny Weight
33        DYDays N
34        DZDozen N
35        EAEach N
36        FCCubic FeetVN
37        FFFeet/Inches/16th N
38        FOFluid Ounce Y
39        FTFeet N
40        G1100 Gallons N
41        GAGallonsVN
42        GJGiga Joule Y
43        GMGramsWN
44        GPPotent GallonsVPN
45        GRGross N
46        H1Half Hour Calculations N
47        HAAverage Hourly Rate N
48        HEHead Count N
49        HHHours X Hours Worked N
50        HLHectoliterVN
51        HQHours per period (zero $) N
52        HRHour N
53        HTHectare N
54        HZHours x Hrs worked (zero $) N
55        ICCubic InchesVN
56        IGImperial GallonsVN
57        INInches N
58        JTJoints N
59        KGKilogramsWN
60        KLKiloliter . N
61        KMKilometers N
62        KTKarat N
63        KWKilowatt Hour Y
64        L3Pounds per square inch N
65        LBPoundsWN
66        LCCubic LitersVN
67        LFLinear Feet N
68        LGLog N
69        LPPotent LitersVPN
70        LSLump Sum N
71        LTLitersVN
72        M3Cubic MetersVN
73        MFThousand Feet N
74        MGMilligramsWN
75        MHMan Hour N
76        MIMiles N
77        MKMicrogramsWN
78        MLMilliliterVN
79        MMMillimeters . N
80        MNMinutes Y
81        MOMonths N
82        MPThousand Pieces N
83        MSThousand Square Feet N
84        MTMeters N
85        MWThousand PoundsWN
86        OPPotent Ounces PN
87        OTTroy Ounces N
88        OZOuncesWN
89        PCPieces N
90        PDPad N
91        PKPackage N
92        PLPallet N
93        PRPair N
94        PTPintVN
95        QTQuartVN
96        RDRental Deposit N
97        RLRoll N
98        RMReam N
99        RT$1000s of Salary N
100        SCSquare Centimeters N
101        SESeconds Y
102        SFSquare Feet N
103        SISquare Inches N
104        SKSkein N
105        SLSleeve N
106        SMSquare Meters N
107        SPSpaces
108        STEaches N
109        SXSix Pack N
110        SYSquare Yard N
111        TKTank N
112        TLLong Ton (English)WN
113        TMMetric TonWN
114        TNTon (U.S.)WN
115        TSShort Ton (U.S.)WN
116        UNUnits N
117        WKWeeks N
118        WUWeld Units N
119        XLExcess Life N
120        YDYards N
121        YRYear N
122        ZSet (3-PW) N