JD Edwards Enterprise One table definition reference


Implementation Guides | 920 VMs | Schema:
920 910 812
System  Table 

JDE Ref icon of database logic symbolJDE TABLESv3Made in Britain

SAPTables.Net - the webs number one SAP Tables Definition reference

920: Top 10 requests

1F4211SDSales Order Detail File
2F0101ABAddress Book Master
3F4101IMItem Master
4F0911GLAccount Ledger
5F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
6F9671SDSoftware Update Detail Table
7F4102IBItem Branch File
8F0411RPAccounts Payable Ledger
9F0006MCBusiness Unit Master
10F41021LIItem Location File

910: Top 10 requests

1F0011WICF0011W - WF - Batch To Detail
2F76AUI46WFCERG A/R -Work File - ARG - 03B - 76A
3F4211SDSales Order Detail File
4F4101IMItem Master
5F0101ABAddress Book Master
6F0911GLAccount Ledger
7F4102IBItem Branch File
8F03B11RPCustomer Ledger
9F4111ILItem Ledger File
10F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File

812: Top 10 requests

1F0911GLAccount Ledger
2F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
3F0101ABAddress Book Master
4F0411RPAccounts Payable Ledger
5F0006MCBusiness Unit Master
6F4211SDSales Order Detail File
7F42119SDSales Order History File
8F03012AICustomer Master by Line of Business
9F0902GBAccount Balances
10F4801WAWork Order Master File

258 columns | Print definition?920 | AID

TableTable DescriptionColumn#PrefixAliasColumn DescriptionData TypeEdit TypeLengthDecimals
TOP00: Foundation Environment
1F0018RTax Reconciliation Repository10EDAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
2F0030Bank Transit Master6AYAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
3F0030TBank Account X12 Information1AZAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
4F0901WSAccount - Word Search2WSAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
5F0902Account Balances1GBAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
6F0911Account Ledger16GLAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP03B: Enhanced Accounts Receivable
7F03B11Customer Ledger16RPAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
8F03B117Revenue Recognition GL Info53RLAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
9F03B119Revenue Recognition GL Info Audit51RNAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
10F03B11PCustomer Ledger Purge File16RPAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
11F03B11Z1Batch Invoices34VJAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
12F03B11Z2F03B11 Interoperability Table29SYAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
13F03B13Receipts Header13RYAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
14F03B13PReceipts Header Purge File13RYAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
15F03B13Z2F03B13 Interoperability Table26SYAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
16F03B14Receipts Detail14RZAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
17F03B14PReceipts Detail Purge File14RZAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
18F03B14Z2F03B14 Interoperability Table27SZAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
19F03B575Auto Debit Invoice Select and Build19RDAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
20F03B672Draft Remittance16RDAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
21F09UI011Receipt Prepost Work File11GLAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP04: Accounts Payable
22F09UI005Tax Offsets User Index6GLAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP05: Time Accounting and HRM Base
23F0618Employee Transaction History96YTAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP05T: Time Entry
24F0624Burden Distribution File17J#AIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
25F06241Burden Distribution File17J#AIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
26F069136Tip Disbursement13JEAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP07: Payroll
27F07UI200Timecard History Work File98THAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP08P: Position Control
28F081012Position Accounts6HCAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP09: General Accounting
29F0901Account Master2GMAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
30F0901CAccount Category Codes1GMAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
31F0901DAccount Master - Alternate Description3LKAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
32F0902BAccount Balances - 52 Period Accounting1GBAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
33F0902PPurge - Account Balances1GBAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
34F0902Z1Account Balances - Batch File1GBAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
35F0911PPurge - Account Ledger16GLAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
36F0911RWF - Account Ledger Reconciliation16GLAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
37F0911R1Account Reconciliations Header - OneWorld ONLY1GLAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
38F0911Z1Journal Entry Transactions - Batch File33VNAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
39F0911Z4F0911 Interoperability Table38SZAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
40F0912Cost Allocations/Flex Budgeting14RJAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
41F0912AIndex Computation Entry File10RIAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
42F0912BVariable Allocation File13R#AIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
43F092181Online Consolidation Detail File6LRAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
44F09300OVFS Report Table79FRAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
45F09350WOVFS Row Definition Work Table19RWAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
46F09505WF - Bank File of Cleared Checks.1GNAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
47F09621Bank Account Cross Reference3GSAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
48F09628Auto Bank Statement Account Setup1GAAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
49F097021WAccount Ledger to Account Master Work Table20TAAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
50F097031WAccount Balance to Account Master Work Table3ABAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
51F097041WAccounts to Business Units Work Table3ABAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
52F09UI004Variable Numerator Allocations work file8R#AIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
53F09UI007Match Bank Tape to Recon File - ONE WORLD ONLY13GLAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
54F09UI014Annual Close Work Table1GBAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
55F09UI015Indexed Computations Multi-Tiered Entries16GLAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
56F09UI016Account Balance Compare Exceptions4GWAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
57F52G02Burdening Summarized Ledger1BSAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
58F52G11Burdening Detail Ledger16BDAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
59F52G11WFTemporary Burdened Detail Ledger Workfile16BWAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
60F52G60Burden Rate Calculations Workfile3BWAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP10: Financial Reporting
61F100901Level of Detail1FRAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
62F10430Multi-Site Consolidation - Account Structure9CFAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
63F10UI001Account Structure Build Workfile10CFAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
64F10UI003Dynamically Created Accounts9ACAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP11: Multi Currency
65F1114Company Conversions Parameter File17C2AIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP12: Fixed Assets
66F1202Asset Account Balances File1FLAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
67F1202PAsset Account Balances Purge Table1FLAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP13E: Equipment Cost Analysis
68F1383Equipment Analysis Costs6ECAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP14: Modeling - Planning & Budgeting
69F1403Forecast Basis2BDAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
70F1404Forecast Results - Header2BYAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
71F14041Forecast Results - Detail2BZAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP15: Real Estate Management
72F1511Tenant/Lease Billings Detail16NJAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
73F15110BExpense Participation Class Account3OBAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
74F1511BLease Billings Master16NJAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
75F1511HTenant/Lease Billings Detail History16N#AIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
76F1511HBLease Billings History16NCAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
77F151521Lease E.P. Accounts Not Subject to Cap8LOAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
78F1530Expense Participation Class Master9NGAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
79F15301E.P. Class Account Overrides9AOAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
80F1532BExpense Participation Audit File10NTAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
81F1533Tenant Class Account Exclusions4NMAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
82F1533BTenant Account Exclusions5NMAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
83F1538B1Occupancy Gross Up Audit6GUAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
84F1538B2Exclusion/Redistribution2RDAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
85F1539AEP Billing Account Adjustments Audit18AUAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
86F1539EEP Billing Account Exclusions Audit19AUAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
87F1539FLEP Billing Adj Factor Lease Audit17AUAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP15L: Adv Real Estate Forecasting
88F15L108AREF Base Account Definition2ADAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
89F15L109AREF Budget Results2BRAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
90F15L110AREF Account Status3ASAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
91F15L111AREF Account Status Detail3ADAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
92F15L118AREF Base Account Definition Detail2DDAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
93F15L120AREF Account Association3AAAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
94F15L38AREF EP Billing Register93NZAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
95F15L403AREF Gross Up Processing Audit5SHAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP16: Profit Management (EPS)
96F1602Cost Analyzer Balances3CBAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
97F1602Z1External Cost Analyzer Balances - Interoperability Table25CZAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
98F1611Cost Calculation Transactions10CTAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP17: Customer Service Management
99F1721Contract Detail17CDAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
100F4801TZ2Warranty Claim/Supplier Recovery processing24WQAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP31: Shop Floor Control
101F31UI802Accumulate Amounts by Account9WGAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
102F31UI803Work File for Summarizing Journal Entries9SGAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP31P: Engineer To Order
103F31P21Cost Classification Table4CCAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP39: Advanced Stock Valuation
104F3910G/L Adjustment Table11SCAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP40: Inventory/OP Base
105F4011ZBatch Receiver File - Order Details193SZAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
106F49211Sales Order Detail File - Tag File128UDAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
107F49211Z1Sales Order Detail Tag Unedited Transaction File147S1AIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
108F49219Sales Order Detail - Tag History File105UDAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP41: Inventory Management
109F4111Item Ledger File49ILAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP42: Sales Management
110F42800G1Sales Update G Batch Detail Workfile12DGAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
111F470371TTag for F470371- EDI shipping Notice Detail - Outbound3UZAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP42B: Sales Order Entry
112F49299S.O. Detail Tag Ledger File128UDAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP43: Procurement
113F40910Commitment Integrity Report Work File3P#AIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
114F43080Approvals Fields Constants3PDAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
115F4311Purchase Order Detail File126PDAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
116F4311ZPurchase Order Generator File130PWAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
117F4311Z1Purchase Order Detail Unedited Transaction Table139SZAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
118F43121Purchase Order Receiver File47PRAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
119F43121Z1Receipts Unedited Transaction Table64SZAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
120F43147Freight Distribution Workfile20FDAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
121F4314ZVoucher Match Selection File146PNAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
122F4316Purchase Order Multiple Account File22P3AIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
123F4317Purchase Order Detail Non-Billable8PDAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
124F43199P.O. Detail Ledger File - Flexible Version126OLAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
125F43632ZOpen Purchase Order by Item Work File15OIAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP43A: Purchase Order Receipt/Routing
126F43126Purchase Order Receiver Multiple Account9P4AIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
127F43127Purchase Order Receiver Non-Billable10PRAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP43E: Requisition Self Service
128F43E16Requisition Multiple Account File8P3AIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP43Q: Strategic Sourcing
129F43Q11Event Detail13EDAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP44H: Homebuilder Management
130F44H611Bid Details9BDAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
131F44H611WBid Details Work File13BWAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
132F44H711Lot Start Workfile73SWAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
133F44H711ZHB Lot Start Unedited Transaction File86SZAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
134F44H71W1Lot Start Generation Workfile73GWAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
135F44H73W1Lot Start - P.O. / Committment Generation Work File43CGAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
136F44H73W2Lot Start - Budget Generation Workfile14BGAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
137F44H902WBudget Creation Workfile2WFAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP47: Electronic Commerce
138F47012EDI Purchase Order Detail - Inbound194SZAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
139F47017EDI Purchase Order Detail - Outbound140SZAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
140F47022EDI P.O. Acknowledgment Detail - Inbound140SZAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
141F47027EDI P.O. Acknowledgment Detail - Outbound194SZAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
142F47042EDI Invoice Detail - Inbound48SZAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
143F47047EDI Invoice Detail (Sales) - Outbound194SZAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
144F47072EDI Receiving Advice Detail - Inbound141SZAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
145F47077EDI Receiving Advice Detail - Outbound141SZAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
146F47092EDI Request for Quote Detail - Inbound194SZAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
147F47097EDI Request for Quote Detail - Outbound140SZAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
148F47102EDI Response to RFQ Detail - Inbound140SZAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
149F47107EDI Response to RFQ Detail - Outbound193SZAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
150F47132EDI Purchase Order Change Detail - Inbound195SZAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
151F47137EDI Purchase Order Change Detail - Outbound141SZAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
152F47142EDI P.O. Change Acknowledgment Detail - Inbound142SZAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
153F47147EDI P.O. Change Acknowledgment Detail - Outbound196SZAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
154F47157EDI Shipping Schedule Detail - Outbound149SZAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP48: Work Order Processing
155F4801STPurge - Work Order Master Tag File11WAAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
156F4801TWork Order Master Tag File11WAAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
157F4801Z1Outbound Work Order Header158SYAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP48S: Service Billing
158F4812Billing Detail Workfile6WDAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
159F4812HBilling Workfile History6WDAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
160F4812HSBilling Workfile History Purged Save6WDAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
161F48S0618Payroll Reclassification Workfile96YTAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
162F48S910Billing Detail Journal Workfile21W2AIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
163F48S911Summarized Journal Workfile19W3AIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
164F48S912G/L Link1W6AIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
165F48SUI01Billing Detail Print Workfile6WDAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP51: Job Costing
166F5111Forecast Detail3FDAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
167F51901Cost Code Schedule1GPAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
168F51911Draw Reporting Master11GKAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP51F: Advanced Job Forecasting
169F51F10WJob Forecast Billing Worktable2PBAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
170F51F110Job Forecast Details2QGAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
171F51F115Remaining Work Detail2QJAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
172F51F125Job Forecast Detail History3QIAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
173F51F20WJob Forecast Account Info Worktable2PAAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
174F51F30WView Forecast Work Table3VFAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP51X: In-Memory Project Management
175F51X0902Ledger Balances Worktable4LBAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
176F51X0911Account Ledger Worktable4ALAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
177F51X10Project Advisor Console Worktable14EXAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
178F51X21Billing Amount Worktable3BAAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP53: Change Management
179F5314Planned Change Order Master Table25D2AIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
180F5315Change Order Master Table24D3AIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP70: Multi-National Products
181F7009001Chart of Accounts by Level2CAAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
182F704100Suspended VAT AP - COMM - 7014VAAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
183F704200Final VAT AP - COMM - 7021FVAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP74: EMEA Localization
184F74412Customer / Supplier Balance Worktable (A/P and A/R)5RPAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
185F74900Foreign Receivables and Payables - EMEA22RPAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
186F749104Rows Definition - EMEA - 7418RDAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
187F749111Account Group Detail- EMEA - 745AGAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
188F74UI91WF - Account Detail - EMEA - 747ADAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP74H: Hungary
189F741202Work File Accumulated Asset Movement Dep - HUN - 741WFAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP74L: Portugal
190F74L921Ref Accounts by Accounts - POR - 74L1RAAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
191F74LUI01Referential Account Details - Temp Table - 74L2TTAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP74P: Poland
192F74902TAccount Balance Tag File - COM - 09 - 74P1ATAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
193F74P03BWA/R Trial Balance - POL - 03B - 74P14P3AIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
194F74P04WA/P Trial Balance Work Table - POL - 04 - 74P14P2AIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
195F74P9100Cash Desk Transaction - POL - 74P12CDAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP74R: Russia
196F74R0018Russian Tax File - 74R39TDAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
197F74R0100Petty Cash Transactions - RUS - 00 - 74R13PCAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
198F74R012Cash Documents Next Number Setup - RUS - 006CDAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
199F74R013Cash Account Setup - RUS - 001CAAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
200F74R9029Open Accounts - RUS - 09 - 74R4OAAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP74S: Spain
201F74S55Expenses and Exchange Rate for Payments - Spain - 048Q5AIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP74U: United Kingdom Localizations
202F74U0412Application Commitment Workfile - UK - 434ACAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
203F74U0414Certificate Commitment Workfile - UK - 434CCAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
204F74U0416Purchase Order Commitment Workfile - UK - 434PCAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
205F74U0420SPC - Application Master - UK - 4393SEAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
206F74U0425SPC - Certificate Master - UK - 4397SFAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
207F74U4316SPC - Purchase Order Line Additional Information - UK - 4341SCAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP75C: China
208F75C010WAP & AR XML Workfile - China -75C4AAAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
209F75C011Account - Subsidiary Cross Reference - China - 75C1UVAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
210F75C015Cash Flow Data - China12CFAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
211F75C091Account master - Tag file - China Localization1CLAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
212F75C201Modification Methods Information - CHINA4MMAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
213F75C902Subsidiary Balances File - China1SBAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP75I: India
214F75I306Excise Account Master -IND-004EAAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
215F75I3061Excise Account Master - Credit Redistribution -IND3ECAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
216F75I612TCS Prepayment To Tax Authority14TPAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP75T: Taiwan
217F75T012GUI/VAT GL Account Mapping - 75T4GLAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
218F75T013Declaration Site Tax Account Mapping-75T3EAAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP76A: Argentina
219F760499AContract Withholding - Advances - ARG -04 - 76A8K8AIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
220F76A11Account ID Relationship - ARG - 00 - 76A1TFAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
221F76A19Taxes - Tax Amounts by Invoice Suffix - ARG - 03B - 76A20TIAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
222F76A19PTaxes - Tax Amounts by Invoice Suffix Purge ARG - 03B - 76A20TIAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
223F76A19Z1Taxes - Tax Amounts by Invoice Suffix Batch Entry A - - 76A38VKAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
224F76A32A/P Account ID Relationship - ARG - 04 - 76A1X3AIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
225F76A42CERG G/L - Work File - ARG - 09 - 76A2TFAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
226F76AUI24Taxes Work File - ARG - 03B - 76A17TIAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
227F76AUI81Draft - Invoices Work File - ARG - 03B - 76A13WFAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP76B: Brazil
228F7611BNota Fiscal Detail - BRA - 4290FDAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
229F76B0526Chart of Account Brazilian Workfile.2AMAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
230F76B056Account - SPED Fiscal Brazilian WF - BRA - 76B6WTAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
231F76B0590Electronic Reporting - Chart of Accounts2CHAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
232F76B837FCONT Account Balances - 76B1FBAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
233F76B845FCONT Jobs Accounts Balances - 76B4JBAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
234F76B925Brazilian Account Information - BR - 091BAAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
235F76B926Ref Accounts by Accounts - BR - 091RAAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
236F76B935SPED Book Type Definition3BDAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
237F76B955SPED Job Accounts - BR - 092GLAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP76C: Colombia
238F76C031AA/R Customer ledger As Of - F76C031A - COL - 0416RPAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
239F76C034AA/R Check Detail file As Of - COL - 03B14RZAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
240F76C0902Debits and Credits T/B by object account - COL - 76C1GBAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
241F76C9415Workfile for Dialy Book - COL - 098LDAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
242F76C9F01DIAN Setup Concept Code by Format and Account - 09 - COL2SCAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
243F76C9F02DIAN Formats by AccountID - COL - 0921DFAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
244F76C9F11DIAN Formats File by Account Id - COL - 092DFAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
245F76CT2Sales/Use/V.A.T. Tax File - COL - 76C23CTAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
246F76CUI01Account Master - Work File - COL - 76C2GMAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
247F76CUI03Account Cat. Code - Work File - COL - 76C2GMAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP76H: Chile
248F76H6002Indirect Costs Selection EPS F1602 - CHI - 41 - 76H7I1AIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
249F76H6005Account ID / Cost Type Relationship - CHI - 41 - 76H2ACAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
250F76H902TAccount Balances Tag File - CHI - 09 - 76H1ATAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP83: Management Reporting - FASTR
251F83UI001Balance Audit Work File - (Financial Reporting)8R1AIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOP89: Conversion Programs
252F0901TNeeded for upgrade for XE and below1GMAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
253F0902AAccount Debit Balances1GDAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
254F42119BSales Order History File - temporary for upgrade (2)22SDAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
255F4211BSales Order Detail File - temporary for upgrade (2)22SDAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
256F43199ATemp F43199 for ERP 9.0 Upgrade126OLAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
257F7460Next Auto Debit Number3QLAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80
TOPH95: Object and Environment Tech
258F00166Media Object Categories30GTAIDAccount IDStringGeneric Edit80