JD Edwards Enterprise One table definition reference


Implementation Guides | 920 VMs | Schema:
920 910 812
System  Table 

JDE Ref icon of database logic symbolJDE TABLESv3Made in Britain

SAPTables.Net - the webs number one SAP Tables Definition reference

920: Top 10 requests

1F4211SDSales Order Detail File
2F0101ABAddress Book Master
3F4101IMItem Master
4F0911GLAccount Ledger
5F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
6F4102IBItem Branch File
7F9671SDSoftware Update Detail Table
8F0411RPAccounts Payable Ledger
9F0006MCBusiness Unit Master
10F41021LIItem Location File

910: Top 10 requests

1F0011WICF0011W - WF - Batch To Detail
2F76AUI46WFCERG A/R -Work File - ARG - 03B - 76A
3F4211SDSales Order Detail File
4F4101IMItem Master
5F0101ABAddress Book Master
6F0911GLAccount Ledger
7F4102IBItem Branch File
8F03B11RPCustomer Ledger
9F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
10F4111ILItem Ledger File

812: Top 10 requests

1F0911GLAccount Ledger
2F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
3F0101ABAddress Book Master
4F0411RPAccounts Payable Ledger
5F0006MCBusiness Unit Master
6F4211SDSales Order Detail File
7F42119SDSales Order History File
8F03012AICustomer Master by Line of Business
9F0902GBAccount Balances
10F4801WAWork Order Master File

58 columns | Print definition?920 | PTAX | STOCK UDC

TableTable DescriptionColumn#PrefixAliasColumn DescriptionData TypeEdit TypeLengthDecimals
TOP05: Time Accounting and HRM Base
1F0627Workers Compensation Summary History3JHPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
2F069016Payroll Tax Area Profile4YPPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
3F069016TPayroll Tax Area Profile - Tag File2YPPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
4F069086Payroll Corporate Tax Identification3YIPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
5F069117Tax Authority Tax Exemption File2YBPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
6F069226Unemployment Insurance Rates3YHPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
7F06926Tax Area/ Vendor Cross Reference2Y#PTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
TOP05A: PeopleSoft HR & PR Foundation
8F06345Historical Payroll Register30JLPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
TOP05T: Time Entry
9F0624Burden Distribution File4J#PTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
10F06241Burden Distribution File4J#PTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
TOP06: Payroll (old) - Obsolete-do not reuse
11F06017Employee Tax Exceptions/Overrides8YAPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
TOP07: Payroll
12F06136Tax History4YZPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
13F06136ATax Summary (Additional)4YZPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
14F06136BTax Summary (PA ACT 32)4YZPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
15F06166Pay Check History Tax Ledger5YVPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
16F06166ATax Ledger (Additional)5YVPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
17F06166BTax Ledger (PA ACT 32)5YVPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
18F06350IWF - Paycheck (Interims)31Y4PTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
19F06490Payroll/Accounts Payable Ledger Detail13JRPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
20F068500941 - Federal Tax History3YZPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
21F0701731Compensation Overrides2YCPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
22F0701732Additional Tax Overrides3AOPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
23F0701734Prior Head Tax from a Previous Employer4Y3PTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
24F0701735Pretax Deduction Overrides2YCPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
25F07186Stub Information History Table11Y8PTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
26F0724Burden Distribution File7YSPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
27F07241Burden Distribution File7YSPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
28F07352Stub Information File11Y2PTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
29F07353Tax Detail File4Y3PTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
30F07490Payroll - Accounts Payable Detail (One World)12JRPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
31F077011Tax History Integrity (Temp)9Y$PTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
32F077011ATax History Integrity Additional (Temp)9Y$PTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
33F077011BTax Integrity (PA Act32)9Y3PTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
34F07811Negative Amount Workfile7JEPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
35F07824Company State/Local Control Table10JDPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
36F07831Employee State/Local Control Table10YBPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
37F078504Vertex Geo Code to ADP Code3VAPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
38F078510ADP Quarterly Integrity Report12VRPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
39F07940Set Vertex Tax Table1YYPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
40F07992Payroll Tax History Conversion Data4YQPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
TOP08: Human Resources
41F083303Benefit Statement Cross Reference Detail6CRPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
TOP08AD: ADP Integration
42F051374ADP Employee Tax Withholding/Override Instructions10ADPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
TOP48S: Service Billing
43F4812Billing Detail Workfile37WDPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
44F4812HBilling Workfile History37WDPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
45F4812HSBilling Workfile History Purged Save37WDPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
46F48SUI01Billing Detail Print Workfile37WDPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
TOP52: Contract Billing
47F5214Component Code/Burden Cross Reference Table9A4PTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
48F5215Component/Burden Billing Line Cross Reference Details11A5PTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
TOP75A: Australia
49F75A0003Australia/New Zealand tax calculation rules21ZRPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
50F75A0500AU Bonus and Back Pay Tax Workfile6BPPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
51F75A0501AU Bonus and Back Pay Tax History6THPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
TOP75Z: New Zealand
52F75Z0009New Zealand Tax Detail Work File4TXPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
53F75Z0010New Zealand Tax Detail Tag Table4TDPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
TOP77: Payroll (Canadian)
54F06176Unemployment Insurance History File12YSPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
55F0713Tax History4YZPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
56F0713SAVBackup Copy of F0713 For Tax Ledger Repost4YZPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
57F0716Pay Check History Tax Ledger - Canadian DB5YVPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20
58F77703Payroll History Audit Report - Worktable4ARPTAXTax TypeStringUDC20

User Defined Codes are, by design, customisable and thus will differ from system to system depending on the business requirements.

TOPUDC 06 / TX (Payroll Taxes) stock values

ValueDescriptionSpecial Handling CodeHard Coded
1 Default Y
2        #PPERS Group Code Y
3        #SNZ Student Loan N
4        #WWithholding Tax Y
5        $1Accumulate Dollar & Hour - AWE Y
6        $2Accumulate Dollars Only - AWE Y
7        $3Accum Dollar & Hour - OWP/ADP Y
8        $4Accum Dollars Only - OWP/ADP Y
9        $5Accum Dollar & Hour - AWE/ADP Y
10        $6Accum Dollars Only - AWE/ADP Y
11        $7Accumulate Dollar & Hour - ADP Y
12        $8Accumulate Dollars Only - ADP Y
13        $HAccum Dollars & Hours - All Y
14        $OAccumulate Dollars Only - All Y
15        $UDo Not Accumulate Hrs or $ Y
16        *Non-Taxable Y
17        *FNon-Taxable - SIT Y
18        *LNon-Taxable - County Y
19        *MNon-Taxable - City Y
20        *NNon-Taxable - School Y
21        0Not Assigned to Tax Input Y
22        1Assigned to Tax Input Y
23        AFederal Income Tax Y
24        BEarned Income Credit (EIC) Y
25        B1State Earned Income Credit Y
26        CFederal Unemployment Y
27        CACanada Federal Income Tax Y
28        CBCanadian Pension Plan - emplee Y
29        CCCanada Employ Ins. - employee Y
30        CDCanada Employ Ins. - employer Y
31        CECanadian Pension Plan - emplyr Y
32        CFProvincial Income Tax Y
33        CGQuebec Provincial Plan EE Y
34        CHQuebec Provincial Pension CO. Y
35        CIExempt Hours - EI Exempt Hours Y
36        CJProvincial Parental Insurance Y
37        CKProvincial Parental Insurance Y
38        DSocial Security Withheld Y
39        DTTip FICA W/H Y
40        ESocial Security Paid Y
41        ETTip FICA Pd. Y
42        EXExtra Emolument Y
43        FState Income Tax Y
44        F1State Special 1 Y
45        F2State Special 2 Y
46        GState Unemployment Y
47        G1State Misc 1 Y
48        G2State Misc 2 Y
49        GMState Misc Y
50        HState Unemployment (SUI) Y
51        H1State Misc 1 Y
52        H2State Misc 2 Y
53        HMState Misc Y
54        IState Disability (SDI) Y
55        IVVoluntary Dis. (VDI) Y
56        JState Disability (SDI) Y
57        JVVoluntary Dis. (VDI) Y
58        KOccupational Head Tax Y
59        KPOccupational Head Tax Y
60        KROccupational Head Tax Y
61        LCounty Income Tax Y
62        LALump Sum - A Y
63        LBLump Sum - B Y
64        LCLump Sum - C Y
65        LDLump Sum - D Y
66        LELump Sum - E Y
67        LRCounty MCTMT Y
68        MCity Income Tax Y
69        MHMental Health Tax Y
70        MRCity Income Tax Y
71        MWMinimum Wage Y
72        NSchool Tax Y
73        NHSchool District Head Tax Y
74        OSupplemental Railroad Tax Y
75        PMedicare Withheld Y
76        PTTip Medicare Withheld Y
77        QMedicare Paid Y
78        RTier I Withheld Y
79        RBTax Rebate Y
80        STier I Paid Y
81        SBStudent Loan Borrowers Ded Y
82        SCStudent Loan Commissioner Ded Y
83        SLStudent Loan Y
84        STState Payroll Tax Y
85        TTier II Withheld Y
86        UTier II Paid Y
87        VTier III - RURT Y
88        WWorkers Compensation Ins. Y
89        XRUIA - Unemployment Ins. Y
90        YProperty Damage/Bodily Injury Y
91        ZWeeks Worked Y