JD Edwards Enterprise One table definition reference


Implementation Guides | 920 VMs | Schema:
920 910 812
System  Table 

JDE Ref icon of database logic symbolJDE TABLESv3Made in Britain

SAPTables.Net - the webs number one SAP Tables Definition reference

920: Top 10 requests

1F4211SDSales Order Detail File
2F0101ABAddress Book Master
3F4101IMItem Master
4F0911GLAccount Ledger
5F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
6F4102IBItem Branch File
7F9671SDSoftware Update Detail Table
8F0411RPAccounts Payable Ledger
9F0006MCBusiness Unit Master
10F41021LIItem Location File

910: Top 10 requests

1F0011WICF0011W - WF - Batch To Detail
2F76AUI46WFCERG A/R -Work File - ARG - 03B - 76A
3F4211SDSales Order Detail File
4F4101IMItem Master
5F0101ABAddress Book Master
6F0911GLAccount Ledger
7F4102IBItem Branch File
8F03B11RPCustomer Ledger
9F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
10F4111ILItem Ledger File

812: Top 10 requests

1F0911GLAccount Ledger
2F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
3F0101ABAddress Book Master
4F0411RPAccounts Payable Ledger
5F0006MCBusiness Unit Master
6F4211SDSales Order Detail File
7F42119SDSales Order History File
8F03012AICustomer Master by Line of Business
9F0902GBAccount Balances
10F4801WAWork Order Master File

68 columns | Print definition?920 | DCTM | STOCK UDC

TableTable DescriptionColumn#PrefixAliasColumn DescriptionData TypeEdit TypeLengthDecimals
TOP03: Accounts Receivable
1F0311Accounts Receivable Ledger7RPDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
2F0312A/R Batch Cash Application17RUDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
TOP03B: Enhanced Accounts Receivable
3F03B14Receipts Detail9RZDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
4F03B14PReceipts Detail Purge File9RZDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
5F03B14Z2F03B14 Interoperability Table22SZDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
TOP04: Accounts Payable
6F0413Accounts Payable - Matching Document2RMDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
7F0413AWF - 'As Of' Accounts Payable Payment Register2RMDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
8F0413PPurge - Accounts Payable Matching Documents2RMDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
9F0413Z1F0413 Interoperability Table15SYDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
10F0414Accounts Payable Matching Document Detail3RNDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
11F0414AWF - 'As Of' Accounts Payable Payment Detail3RNDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
12F0414PPurge - Accounts Payable Matching Document Detail3RNDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
13F0414Z1F0414 Interoperability Table16SZDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
14F04572A/P Payment Processing - Summary10KKDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
TOP09: General Accounting
15F0917Bank Statement Detail29GDDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
16F09617Auto Bank Statement Detail33GMDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
17F09626Auto Reconciliation Rules Setup4GRDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
TOP17C: Call Management
18F1755Case Master88ZADCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
TOP45: Advanced Pricing
19F4576Ship and Debit Claims41ACDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
20F4576TMPShip and Debit Claims- Temp Table41ACDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
21F4576Z1Ship and Debit Claims Unedited Transaction Table54Z1DCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
TOP47: Electronic Commerce
22F47056EDI Payment Order Header - Outbound21D1DCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
23F470561EDI Payment Order Bank N & A - Outbound16D2DCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
24F470561WEDI Payment Order Bank N & A - Work18D2DCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
25F470562EDI Payment Order Vendor N & A - Outbound15D4DCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
26F470562WEDI Payment Order Vendor N & A - Work15D4DCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
27F470563EDI Payment Order Payee N & A - Outbound15D5DCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
28F470563WEDI Payment Order Payee N & A - Work15D5DCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
29F47056WEDI Payment Order Header - Work21D1DCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
30F47057EDI Payment Order Remittance Advice - Outbound21D3DCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
31F47057WEDI Payment Order Remittance Advice - Work21D3DCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
32F47113EDI Lockbox/Payment Detail - Batch12Z3DCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
33F47114EDI Lockbox/Payment Detail - Payment13Z4DCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
TOP49: Transportation Management
34F49595Document Print - Document Summary21DKDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
35F49695Document Register19DRDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
TOP53: Change Management
36F5302F5302 World Specs45DKDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
37F5311Change Request Details Table122DKDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
38F5311Z1Change Request Details Table Workfile127DKDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
TOP70: Multi-National Products
39F704001Payment WH Info TEMP - COMM - 044PTDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
40F704002Payment WH Info - COMM - 043PFDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
41F704002PPayment WH Info Purge - COMM - 043PFDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
TOP74: EMEA Localization
42F74412Customer / Supplier Balance Worktable (A/P and A/R)14RPDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
TOP74P: Poland
43F74P03BWA/R Trial Balance - POL - 03B - 74P16P3DCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
44F74P04WA/P Trial Balance Work Table - POL - 04 - 74P16P2DCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
TOP74R: Russia
45F74R3B14F03B14 Tag File - RUS - 03B - 74R4TFDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
46F74R4014F0414 Tag File - RUS - 04 - 74R3TFDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
TOP74S: Spain
47F74S55Expenses and Exchange Rate for Payments - Spain - 045Q5DCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
TOP74U: United Kingdom Localizations
48F74U0445SPC Accounts Payable Match Doc Detail Tag File - UK - 434RNDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
49F74U4053Subcontractor Documents Detail - CIS Monthly Return - UK- 048DMDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
TOP74Y: Italy
50F743B14ISuspended IVA Generation - Receipt/Rebate Control-Ita - 03B19TIDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
TOP75A: Australia
51F75A0201Recipient Created Tax Invoice Tag File6TFDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
52F75A0220Payment Summary Workfile1PSDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
TOP75J: Japan
53F750411Withholding Tax Detail - Japan - 0412JXDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
TOP76A: Argentina
54F760414AA/P Payment Detail Tag Table - ARG - 04 - 76A3V1DCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
55F760499AContract Withholding - Advances - ARG -04 - 76A6K8DCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
56F76A09Invoice Total - ARG - 03B - 76A4TTDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
57F76A09PInvoice Total Purge - ARG - 03B - 76A4TTDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
58F76A19Taxes - Tax Amounts by Invoice Suffix - ARG - 03B - 76A5TIDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
59F76A19PTaxes - Tax Amounts by Invoice Suffix Purge ARG - 03B - 76A5TIDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
60F76A19Z1Taxes - Tax Amounts by Invoice Suffix Batch Entry A - - 76A23VKDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
61F76A414PPurge - A/P Payment Detail - ARG - 04 - 76A3V1DCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
62F76AUI24Taxes Work File - ARG - 03B - 76A5TIDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
TOP76C: Colombia
63F76C034AA/R Check Detail file As Of - COL - 03B9RZDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
TOP76M: Mexico
64F76M0414F0414 - Payment Detail Tag File - Mexico5RTDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
65F76M930AR VAT on Gain/loss MEX - 76M4APDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
66F76M940AP VAT on Gain/loss - MEX - 76M3APDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
67F76M990GL VAT on Gain/loss MEX - 76M20GLDCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20
TOP76P: Peru
68F76P414TF0414 Tag File - PER - 04 - 76P3P4DCTMDocument Type - MatchingStringUDC20

User Defined Codes are, by design, customisable and thus will differ from system to system depending on the business requirements.

TOPUDC 00 / DT (Document Type - All Documents) stock values

ValueDescriptionSpecial Handling CodeHard Coded
1        ##Prior Year Transactions Y
2        $AEventual Withholdings N
3        $BGross Income Withholdings N
4        $GProfit Withholdings N
5        $IV.A.T Withholdings N
6        $LCleaning Services Withholding N
7        $PSecurity Withholdings Y
8        $QGeneral SUSS Y
9        $SContract Withholdings N
10        %Percentage Journal Entry Y
11        @OPayment order N
12        AInv. Cnv. - Adjustments N
13        ACLease Accrual / Deferral N
14        ADAsset Disposal Y
15        AEAutomatic Entries Y
16        AFAdjusting Entries Y
17        AJService Billing Adjustments Y
18        ARAsset Revaluation Y
19        ASAsset Split Y
20        ATAsset Transfer Y
21        AUUnits - Committed Y
22        BABilling Adjustments Y
23        BBBulk - Simple Blend N
24        BCBase Agreement Contract N
25        BDBulk- Decant N
26        BEBilling Entries N
27        BFBalance Forward/Summarize Y
28        BGRegrade/GSM N
29        BIBulk/Packed Invoice N
30        BJBulk - Adjustment N
31        BLBulk-Filling N
32        BMBill of Lading N
33        BOBulk-Consumed in Operations N
34        BPBulk-Repacking N
35        BRBulk-Rebrand or Regrade N
36        BTBulk-Tank to Tank Transfer N
37        BXBudget Change Order N
38        C%TDS Withholding N
39        C1Contract Level Y
40        C2Invoice Level Y
41        C3Funding Level Y
42        C4Credit Order - Transportation N
43        CCUSER N
44        CDContainer Deposits N
45        CFJournal Entry From Conversion N
46        CGLot Grade Change Y
47        CLCall N
48        CMService Contracts - CSMSNN
49        COCredit Order N
50        CPLot Potency Change Y
51        CSRFx N
52        CTTransportation Confirmation N
53        CWHomeBuilder Closing Worksheet N
54        CXChange Request Y
55        CZCash Basis Y
56        DADebit Note N
57        DDSale Order N
58        DLDelivery Ticket N
59        DNCredit Note N
60        DPDepreciation Journal Y
61        DRJob Cost Draw Splits Y
62        EEnergy N
63        EALease Cost Adjusting Entries N
64        ECRevenue Checks N
65        EGEngineering Change RequestRN
66        ENEngineering Change Order N
67        EPRevenue J/E`s 8/8`s N
68        EQRevenue J/E`s Subledger N
69        ERRevenue J/E`s Net Company N
70        ESRevenue Suspense Entries N
71        ETEngineer to OrderNN
72        EUService Billing Revenue Y
73        EVRevenue Manual/Void Checks N
74        EXCurrency Conversion Offsets Y
75        FAInvoice N
76        FCForecast N
77        FERevenue Fees N
78        FJRevenue Fees - Jrnl Entry Only N
79        FOFirm Work Order W/Parts List N
80        FPField Progress Reporting N
81        FRFirm Rate Order W/Parts List Y
82        FSFRW Created Doc. Types N
83        FTFreight N
84        G2Inbound Completions N
85        GFGeneral Ledger Transferred N
86        GGEnvironmental Document Y
87        GLBulk Product Gain/Loss N
88        HPPurchase Order N
89        HSHours Service N
90        HTPurchase Transfer Order N
91        IInv Cnv - Issues N
92        I1Interbranch Sales
93        I2Sorties de Stock- Obsolescence N
94        I3Sorties de Stock - Vol N
95        I4Sorties de Stock - Dommages N
96        IAInventory Adjustments N
97        IBItem Cost Changes N
98        ICCompleted W.O.`s To Inventory N
99        IDInventory Issue To Blend Mgmt Y
100        IHLabor Charged To W.O.`s N
101        IIInventory Issue N
102        IJInventory Adjustments
103        ILInventory Issue
104        IMMaterial Charged To W.O.`s N
105        IOComponent Scrap to W.O.`s N
106        IPPhysical Inventory Y
107        IQInventory Quantity Only Y
108        IRInventory Receipt N
109        ISScrapped W.O.`s To Inventory N
110        ITInventory Transfers N
111        IVVariance Calculated for W.O.`s N
112        IXRecalculate Average Cost Y
113        IZLot Hold/Release Y
114        JABudget or Cost Allocation Y
115        JBJoint Interest Billing N
116        JCJob Cost % Complete N
117        JDJIB Detail Owner Entries N
118        JEJournal Entry Y
119        JFJournals Brought Forward N
120        JKA/P Redistribute Payments Y
121        JMAR VAT Redistribution Y
122        JPSubscription Sales N
123        JQSub. Sales Net Ledger N
124        JRSubscription Sales Commissions N
125        JTAccrued Property Taxes N
126        JVA/P Redistribute Prepayments Y
127        JXForeign Currency Revaluation Y
128        JZCash Basis Journal Entry Y
129        K1Kanban Type 1 Y
130        K2Kanban Type 2 Y
131        K3Kanban Type 3 Y
132        K4Kanban Type 4 Y
133        LBLabels N
134        LCCompleted Lean Trans to InvL3N
135        LHWork Order Labor Hours N
136        LLLabor charged to Lean TransL2N
137        LMMaterial charged to Lean TransL1N
138        LOComponent Scrap to Lean TransLN
139        LPScrapped Lean Trans to InvL4N
140        LSProperty Management Lease N
141        LVVariance calculated for Lean TLN
142        MPAnother Purchase Order N
143        MSMaterial Issue Service N
144        MUMileage (Meter) Update N
145        NOther ValuesNN
146        NAStand Alone Nota Fiscal N
147        NDShip-To Nota Fiscal Return N
148        NFPurchasing Nota Fiscal N
149        NINon Stock Nota Fiscal N
150        NLPreliminary Order N
151        NNNota Fiscal Reverse/Void N
152        NONetting Transactions Y
153        NPPartial NSF Y
154        NRShip-From Nota Fiscal Return N
155        NSNota Fiscal Sales N
156        OOrdering Document Types N
157        O1Order Document Type Fixed Asse N
158        O4Purchase Order -Transportation N
159        OADo Not Use Y
160        OBBlanket Order N
161        OCConstruction Work Order N
162        ODDirect Ship Order N
163        OEDo Not Use--Exchange Rate Var. Y
164        OIInteroperability Direct P.O. N
165        OKPurchase Intercompany Order N
166        OMPurchase Order RMA N
167        OOOutside Operations
168        OPPurchase Order N
169        OQPurchase Quote or Bid N
170        ORPurchase Requisition N
171        OSSubcontract N
172        OTTransfer Order N
173        OURequisition Self Service Y
174        OVDo Not Use--Receiving Document Y
175        OXChange Order N
176        OYEDI Purchase Order Quote
177        OZEDI Purchase Order
178        PPayables N
179        P1A/P Drafts Y
180        P7Alternate Currency Payment Y
181        P9Voucher Y
182        PACredit Note Reimbursements Y
183        PBBACS Electronic Funds Transfer Y
184        PCPercent Complete FASTR Entry N
185        PDDebit Memo Y
186        PEChange to Voucher Amount Y
187        PFRecurring Billing N
188        PGGain/Loss on Exchange Rate Y
189        PIPhysical Inventory Y
190        PJSales Overage N
191        PKAutomated Check Y
192        PLVoucher Logging Y
193        PMManual Voucher Y
194        PNManual Check Y
195        POVoid Check Y
196        PPPeriodic Invoice Y
197        PQManual Billing N
198        PRRecurring Voucher Y
199        PTElectronic Funds Transfer Y
200        PVVoucher Y
201        PWWithholding Y
202        PYPayment Order - EDI Only Y
203        PZA/P Cash Basis Y
204        Q7Suspended VAT - Recognized N
205        Q8Suspended and Recognized VAT N
206        Q9Suspended VAT N
207        QANon-Comformance Report N
208        QOQuote Order N
209        QRQuote Request N
210        RReceivables N
211        R%TDS Withholding N
212        R1A/R Drafts Y
213        R2Contract Billing Y
214        R3Draft Invoice Y
215        R4Final Invoice Y
216        R5Deduction Y
217        R6RMA - Sales Order Y
218        R7Alternate Currency Receipt Y
219        R8Return Material Authorization N
220        R9RMA Credit Order N
221        RAAdjustment Y
222        RBChargeback Y
223        RCReceipts - A/R Y
224        RDRecurring Billing N
225        REChange to Invoice Amount Y
226        RFFinance Charge Y
227        RGGain/Loss on Exchange Rate Y
228        RHExpense Participation N
229        RIInvoice Y
230        RJSales Overage N
231        RKReceipt - Summarized Y
232        RLEscalation N
233        RMCredit Memo Y
234        RNManual Billing Y
235        ROReversing or Void Entry Y
236        RPDirect Payments Y
237        RQChargeback Amount Created Y
238        RRRecurring Invoice Y
239        RSSpread Adjustments Y
240        RTA/R Fee & Interest Y
241        RUUnapplied Cash Y
242        RVNon-sufficient Funds Y
243        RWReceipt Journal Entry Y
244        RXSales Contracts N
245        RYEDI Receipt Y
246        RZA/R Cash Basis Y
247        SSales Order Document Types N
248        S1Counter Sales N
249        S2Phone Sales N
250        S3Sales Order - ECS N
251        S4Sales Order - Transportation10N
252        SBBlanket Sales Order N
253        SCActual Rate Schedule Y
254        SDDirect Ship N
255        SEExtended Warr. ServiceNN
256        SHSupplier Recovery N
257        SIInterbranch Sales N
258        SKSales Intercompany Order N
259        SNNonwarranty ServiceNN
260        SOSales OrderSON
261        SPPrice List N
262        SQSales Quote N
263        SRSales Order - Rush N
264        SSDo Not Use--Summary Records Y
265        STTransfer Sale N
266        SVBase Warranty ServiceNN
267        SWSales with Trans. & Warehouse N
268        SYEDI Sales Order Quote N
269        SZEDI Sales Order N
270        TTime and Pay N
271        T1Payroll Disbursement Entries N
272        T2Payroll Labor Distribution N
273        T3Actual Burden Journal Entries N
274        T4Labor Billing Distribution N
275        T5Equipment Distribution N
276        T6Payroll Accruals / Deferrals N
277        T7Payroll Vouchers N
278        TETime Sheet Entry N
279        TJPayroll Journal N
280        TMEnterprise Treasury Management Y
281        TOTakeoff N
282        U1U1 through U9 client reserved N
283        UAUA through UZ client reserved N
284        UPUsed Produt N
285        V1Versand Service N
286        VCSales Order Reverse N
287        VDDelivery ocument for Service N
288        VLNota Fiscal Batch Return N
289        VNVendor Notice
290        VOSales Order N
291        VRSales Order Return N
292        VSPurchase Order Return N
293        VTSales Transfer Order N
294        W1Work Order Other N
295        WAWork order for A N
296        WCWarranty Claim N
297        WDWrite Downs
298        WHEquipment Work Order N
299        WMMaintenance Work Order N
300        WOReal (firm) Work Orders N
301        WPPlanning Work Orders N
302        WTWire Transfer N
303        X1User-defined Doc Type X1
304        X2User-defined Doc Type X2
305        X3User-defined Doc Type X3
306        X4User-defined Doc Type X4
307        XRRental Contracts Y
308        Y1User-defined Doc Type Y1
309        Y2User-defined Doc Type Y2
310        Y3User-defined Doc Type Y3
311        Y4User-defined Doc Type Y4
312        Y5User-defined Doc Type Y5
313        ZInv Cnv - Month End Summary N
314        ZCDocument ZC N
315        ZDDocument ZD N
316        ZZUnrecognized Version E Trans. N