| Table | Table Description | Column# | Prefix | Alias | Column Description | Data Type | Edit Type | Length | Decimals |
TOP46: Warehouse Management |
1 | F46091 | Container and Carton Codes | 32 | ID | CPRGP2 | Container Process Group 2 | String | UDC | 6 | 0 |
TOP46L: License Plating |
2 | F46L10 | License Plate Master | 22 | LM | CPRGP2 | Container Process Group 2 | String | UDC | 6 | 0 |
3 | F46L99 | License Plate History | 33 | LM | CPRGP2 | Container Process Group 2 | String | UDC | 6 | 0 |
User Defined Codes are, by design, customisable and thus will differ from system to system depending on the business requirements.
TOPUDC 41 / 02 (Warehouse Process Group) stock values
| Value | Description | Special Handling Code | Hard Coded |
1 | | Blank | | N |
2 | BIKE | Bicycle | | N |
3 | BIND | Staples & Clips | | |
4 | BOOMER | Explosive Materials | | |
5 | CAROSL | Carousel Stored Goods | | |
6 | CASS | Cassettes | | |
7 | CII | Class II Controlled Substances | | |
8 | CONSUM | Consumer Goods | | |
9 | CPG | Cheese Process Group | | N |
10 | DISK | Compact Disks | | |
11 | EAR | Earphones | | |
12 | ETHICL | Ethical Drugs | | |
13 | EXPLOD | Explosive Materials | | |
14 | FAST | Fast Movers | | |
15 | FROZEN | Frozen Items | | |
16 | HAZMAT | Hazardeous Materials | | |
17 | HEALTH | Health Products | | |
18 | HEAVY | Heavy Goods | | |
19 | HIVAL | High Value Goods | | |
20 | MED | Medical Equipment | | N |
21 | NONINV | Non-Inventory Items | | |
22 | OFC | Office Supplies | | |
23 | OTC | Over the Counter | | N |
24 | PAPER | Paper Products | | |
25 | PEN | Pens, Pencils, Markers | | |
26 | PERISH | Perishable Items | | |
27 | PMETAL | Precious Metal | | N |
28 | PROMO | Promotional Items | | |
29 | RACK | Rack Stored Goods | | |
30 | REFRIG | Refrigerated Goods | | |
31 | RETURN | Sales Returns to Warehouse | | |
32 | SECURE | Goods Stored in Secured Areas | | |
33 | SHOE | Athletic Shoes | | |
34 | SLOW | Slow Movers | | |
35 | SPORT | Sporting Goods | | N |
36 | STEREO | Stereo Equipment | | |
37 | T1 | Type #1 | | |
38 | T2 | Type #2 | | |
39 | TOPSEL | Top Selling Goods | | |
40 | TOWER | Tower Storage Items | | |
41 | UFO | Unidentified items | | N |
42 | VIDEO | Video Cassettes | | N |
43 | VIT | Vitamins | | |
44 | VPG | Vitamin Process Group | | N |
45 | WATER | Mineral Water | | |
46 | WIRE | Stereo Wire | | |