JD Edwards Enterprise One table definition reference


Implementation Guides | 920 VMs | Schema:
920 910 812
System  Table 

JDE Ref icon of database logic symbolJDE TABLESv3Made in Britain

SAPTables.Net - the webs number one SAP Tables Definition reference

920: Top 10 requests

1F4211SDSales Order Detail File
2F0101ABAddress Book Master
3F4101IMItem Master
4F0911GLAccount Ledger
5F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
6F9671SDSoftware Update Detail Table
7F4102IBItem Branch File
8F0411RPAccounts Payable Ledger
9F0006MCBusiness Unit Master
10F41021LIItem Location File

910: Top 10 requests

1F0011WICF0011W - WF - Batch To Detail
2F76AUI46WFCERG A/R -Work File - ARG - 03B - 76A
3F4211SDSales Order Detail File
4F4101IMItem Master
5F0101ABAddress Book Master
6F0911GLAccount Ledger
7F4102IBItem Branch File
8F03B11RPCustomer Ledger
9F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
10F4111ILItem Ledger File

812: Top 10 requests

1F0911GLAccount Ledger
2F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
3F0101ABAddress Book Master
4F0006MCBusiness Unit Master
5F0411RPAccounts Payable Ledger
6F4211SDSales Order Detail File
7F42119SDSales Order History File
8F03012AICustomer Master by Line of Business
9F0902GBAccount Balances
10F4801WAWork Order Master File

131 columns | Print definition?910 | ICUT | STOCK UDC

TableTable DescriptionColumn#PrefixAliasColumn DescriptionData TypeEdit TypeLengthDecimals
TOP00: Foundation Environment
1F0011Batch Control Records1ICICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
2F0011WF0011W - WF - Batch To Detail1ICICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
3F0018Taxes51TDICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
4F0911Account Ledger9GLICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
TOP03: Accounts Receivable
5F0311Accounts Receivable Ledger16RPICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
6F0312A/R Batch Cash Application3RUICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
TOP03B: Enhanced Accounts Receivable
7F03B11Customer Ledger8RPICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
8F03B112Invoice Revisions18RWICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
9F03B112PInvoice Revisions Purge File18RWICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
10F03B11PCustomer Ledger Purge File8RPICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
11F03B11Z1Batch Invoices26VJICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
12F03B11Z2F03B11 Interoperability Table21SYICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
13F03B13Receipts Header18RYICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
14F03B13PReceipts Header Purge File18RYICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
15F03B13Z1Electronic Receipts Input16RUICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
16F03B13Z2F03B13 Interoperability Table31SYICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
17F03B14Receipts Detail19RZICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
18F03B14PReceipts Detail Purge File19RZICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
19F03B14Z2F03B14 Interoperability Table32SZICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
20F03B571Auto Debit Batch Control6RCICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
21F03B575Auto Debit Invoice Select and Build11RDICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
22F03B672Draft Remittance21RDICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
23F03BUI05Auto Receipts Batch Workfile3R5ICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
24F09UI011Receipt Prepost Work File6GLICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
TOP04: Accounts Payable
25F0411Accounts Payable Ledger20RPICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
26F0411AWF - As Of Accounts Payable Ledger20RPICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
27F0411PPurge - Accounts Payable Ledger20RPICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
28F0411Z1Voucher Transactions - Batch Upload38VLICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
29F0411Z3F0411 Interoperability Table42SZICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
30F0413Accounts Payable - Matching Document9RMICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
31F0413AWF - As Of Accounts Payable Payment Register9RMICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
32F0413PPurge - Accounts Payable Matching Documents9RMICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
33F0413Z1F0413 Interoperability Table23SYICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
34F09UI005Tax Offsets User Index4GLICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
35F09UI006Tax (F0018) Replica51TDICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
TOP09: General Accounting
36F0911PPurge - Account Ledger9GLICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
37F0911RWF - Account Ledger Reconciliation9GLICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
38F0911Z1Journal Entry Transactions - Batch File26VNICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
39F0911Z4F0911 Interoperability Table31SZICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
40F09UI004Variable Numerator Allocations work file2R#ICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
41F09UI013Company by Batch Out of Balance1GLICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
42F09UI015Indexed Computations Multi-Tiered Entries9GLICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
43F09UI618Auto Bank Statement Process Work Table20NBICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
44F52G11Burdening Detail Ledger53BDICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
45F70UI001Work File for G/L by Cat. Code Localization22WAICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
46F740911Work File for G/L Report by Category Code Localization26WAICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
TOP11C: Cash Basis
47F11CUI01A/R Cash Basis Work File3CBICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
48F11CUI02A/P Cash Basis Work File3CBICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
TOP15: Property Management
49F1511B1Billing Batches Summary2NWICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
50F1540Sales Report Control File12NRICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
51F1540BSales Report Control22NRICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
TOP31: Shop Floor Control
52F3106W.O. Cross Reference File6SDICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
TOP38: Agreement Management
53F38111Agreements Transaction Ledger57DZICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
TOP39: Advanced Stock Valuation
54F3910G/L Adjustment Table18SCICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
TOP41: Inventory Management
55F41UI001Inventory Transactions Detail File11ITICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
TOP42: Sales Management
56F42800GSales Update G Batch Workfile4SGICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
TOP43: Procurement
57F43092ZReceipt Routing Work File17PVICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
TOP43S: Supplier Self Service
58F4313POFLIP24PFICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
TOP45: Advanced Pricing
59F4575Ship and Debit History62AHICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
60F4575TMPShip and Debit History - Temp Table62AHICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
61F4576Ship and Debit Claims55ACICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
62F4576TMPShip and Debit Claims- Temp Table55ACICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
63F4576Z1Ship and Debit Claims Unedited Transaction Table86Z1ICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
TOP47: Electronic Commerce
64F47056EDI Payment Order Header - Outbound16D1ICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
65F470561EDI Payment Order Bank N & A - Outbound10D2ICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
66F470561WEDI Payment Order Bank N & A - Work12D2ICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
67F470562EDI Payment Order Vendor N & A - Outbound10D4ICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
68F470562WEDI Payment Order Vendor N & A - Work10D4ICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
69F470563EDI Payment Order Payee N & A - Outbound10D5ICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
70F470563WEDI Payment Order Payee N & A - Work10D5ICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
71F47056WEDI Payment Order Header - Work16D1ICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
72F47057EDI Payment Order Remittance Advice - Outbound16D3ICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
73F47057WEDI Payment Order Remittance Advice - Work16D3ICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
74F47112EDI Lockbox Header - Transaction25Z2ICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
75F47113EDI Lockbox/Payment Detail - Batch28Z3ICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
TOP52: Contract Billing
76F5216Milestone/Progress Billing Information25A6ICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
77F52161Mileston/Progress Billing Line Cross Reference Details12A7ICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
TOP57: Reserved for Clients
78F74T550General Ledger Work File - Turkish22DKICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
TOP74: EMEA Localization
79F740018DData extraction ESL - 7426DEICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
80F740018WData extraction ESL - Workfile - 7426DEICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
81F74093Worktable for Printing IVA Summary - Italy50HCICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
82F74900Foreign Receivables and Payables - EMEA14RPICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
TOP74H: Hungary
83F74H309Gains & Losses Unrealized Account ing - HUN - 03B13GLICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
84F74H409A/P Gains & Losses Unrealized Accounting - HUN - 0413GLICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
85F74H910JE VAT Differences - HUN - 099VDICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
TOP74P: Poland
86F74P9100Cash Desk Transaction - POL - 74P13CDICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
87F74R0011Batch Tag File - RUS - 09 - 74R1ICICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
88F74R0100Petty Cash Transactions - RUS - 00 - 74R14PCICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
89F74R311Prepayment Detail Tax File - RUS - 03B26DEICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
90F74R410Tax on Hold - RUS - 0416THICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
91F74R9003Correspondence Method - RUS -09 - 74R2CMICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
92F74R9004Correspondence Rules - RUS -09 - 74R2CRICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
93F74R9011Correspondence Rules - RUS -09 - 74R16CRICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
TOP74U: United Kingdom Localizations
94F74U0420SPC - Application Master - UK - 4328SEICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
95F74U0425SPC - Certificate Master - UK - 4330SFICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
TOP74Y: Italy - Reporting System Only
96F743B14ISuspended IVA Generation - Receipt/Rebate Control-Ita - 03B8TIICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
97F74Y015Yearly List Declaration - WF - IT - 0018YLICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
TOP74Z: Czech Republic
98F74Z0010Cash Desk Document Printed - CZE - 74Z8ZOICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
99F74ZUI01Corresponding Accounts5CZICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
TOP75C: China - Reporting System Only
100F75C015Cash Flow Data - China11CFICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
101F75C4203Chinese VAT on Free Goods Cross Reference - China - 4210FCICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
TOP75I: India
102F75I611TCS Prepayment Transaction File - IND-03B16TTICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
103F75I732Service Tax A/R File Additional Info - IND - 03B12STICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
104F75I742Service Tax A/P File Additional Info - IND - 0413STICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
105F75IUI7Service Tax Credit Register - Work File - IND11WFICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
TOP76A: Argentina
106F76A4111Item Ledger Tag File - ARG - 76A2ILICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
107F76AUI81Draft - Invoices Work File - ARG - 03B - 76A25WFICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
108F76AUI82Draft - Drafts Work File - ARG - 03B - 03B28WFICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
109F76AUI83Draft - Application Drafts - Invoices Work File - ARG - 76A37WFICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
TOP76B: Brazil - Reporting System Only
110F76B011Nota Fiscal Taxes Detail - Brazil - 4232TDICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
111F76B835FCONT Account Ledger Operation - 76B2AOICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
TOP76C: Colombia
112F76C031AA/R Customer ledger As Of - F76C031A - COL - 048RPICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
113F76C034AA/R Check Detail file As Of - COL - 03B19RZICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
114F76C575Work File Magnetic Media - COL - 042Q1ICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
115F76C9415Workfile for Dialy Book - COL - 093LDICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
116F76C9F02DIAN Formats by AccountID - COL - 0910DFICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
117F76CT1Tributary Information - COL - 76C2TIICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
118F76CT2Sales/Use/V.A.T. Tax File - COL - 76C7CTICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
119F76CUI02Tax Detail - Work File - COL - 76C57TDICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
120F76CUI04Tax Detail for Distribution - Work File - COL - 76C58TDICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
TOP76E: Ecuador
121F76E0018Print Withholding Workfile - EC - 048TDICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
122F76E4010Withholding Certificate Information - EC - 044CEICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
TOP76H: Chile
123F76H6001Actual Cost Process Header - CHI - 41 - 76H22PHICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
124F76H6201Replacement Cost Process Header - CHI - 4113RHICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
125F76HUI32Workfile for R76H3B40 - CHI - 42 - 76H13WFICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
TOP76M: Mexico
126F76M0314Receipt Detail Tag File - Mexico10MAICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
127F76M0414F0414 - Payment Detail Tag File - Mexico6RTICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
128F76M930AR VAT on Gain/loss MEX - 76M19APICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
129F76M940AP VAT on Gain/loss - MEX - 76M16APICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
130F76M990GL VAT on Gain/loss MEX - 76M17GLICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20
TOPF31: Lean Transactions
131FF31201Cross Reference5CRICUTBatch TypeStringUDC20

User Defined Codes are, by design, customisable and thus will differ from system to system depending on the business requirements.

TOPUDC 98 / IT (Batch Type) stock values

ValueDescriptionSpecial Handling CodeHard Coded
1        # Payroll VouchersN
2        #1Payroll VouchersN
3        $ Reserved for ClientsN
4        % Reserved for ClientsN
5        & A/R DraftsN
6        &BDraft RegisterN
7        + Bank Statement
8        +BBank StatementsN
9        / Tenant VouchersN
10        0 Manufacturing
11        1 Tenant Invoice Work Batch
12        2 Tenant A/R Invoices
13        2BTenant A/R InvoicesN
14        3 Sales Report Entry
15        4 Pro-Forma P/R Pay Period Jrnls
16        41Pro-Forma P/R Pay Period JrnlsN
17        5 Pro-Forma Daily Timecard Jrnls
18        51Pro-Forma Daily Timecard JrnlsN
19        6 Partnership Distribution
20        7 Actual Payroll Period Journals
21        8 Production FASTR
22        9 Lockbox/Batch Cash Receipts
23        9BAutomatic ReceiptsN
24        @ Reserved for ClientsN
25        A Revenue - Check EntryN
26        ARAsset RevaluationN
27        B Revenue - Journal EntriesN
28        C JIB Cost AllocationsN
29        D Cost Allocations/Flex BudgetN
30        DBDraft ReceiptsN
31        E Asset TransferN
32        F Balance Forward A/R UpdateN
33        FBBalance Forward A/R UpdatesN
34        G General Accounting
35        H Change Orders
36        I Invoice Entry
37        IBInvoicesN
38        J JIB Invoices and Statements
39        K A/P Checks (Automatic)
40        L ALRS Checks
41        M Manual & Void Checks w/Match
42        N Inventory
43        NCFrozen Cost UpdateN
44        O PO/Contract Entries
45        P Actual Timecard Journals
46        Q Direct Payments
47        R Cash Receipts and Adjustments
48        RBReceipts & AdjustmentsN
49        S Stock Transfers
50        STInter Branch Sales Transfer
51        T Equipment Time Entry
52        U Oil & Gas Equipment Time Entry
53        UBUtility BillingN
54        V Voucher Entry
55        W Manual Checks without Match
56        X Depreciation - Journal Entries
57        XXDetailed Currency RestatementN
58        Y Subscription Sales
59        Z Disposal - Journal Entries